Towards the end of last year, I separated my instagram account and made one specifically for my creative projects so that I could make my goal for the new year easier for me to look at. For the new year my goal was to try and get serious about doing illustrations and more fun projects for myself again. Maybe do a little watercolor or try something different that I haven’t done yet, but never got around to? I set the bar kind of low and not intimidating by just wanting to fill up a sketchbook by the end of the year.

Having a creative account on instagram also is a huge resource for me to pull inspiration from since I can also only follow other artists that I admire and not have their posts get lost between friends and family’s boomerangs of them cheers-ing mimosas (really once you see one…). One day while scrolling I saw that one of my favorite designers, Lauren Hom, was going to start a weekly lettering prompt for people to practice, share, and improve their hand lettering. I’ve always been interested in handlettering, and thought this could be a new thing to do. Plus it was something that if nothing would get my creative juices flowing (sidenote- I really hate that saying… gross)


I had no idea how much I would enjoy getting her assignments every week and look forward to them every Friday morning (which btw– it’s free and totally awesome and I HIGHLY recommend signing up because it’s fun and 0 pressure). Not only can I see the improvement since starting doing my #homwork, but you guys… I’ve already filled 2 sketchbooks!! (One was almost done and the other one was one of those thin Moleskin ones, but still!) Here’s to getting better, doing more fun projects and filling up more sketchbooks!!